Why We Have The Fastest Plumbers In Los Angeles
Mr. Speedy Plumbing & Rooter, Inc., prides itself on being the speediest plumber in Los Angeles. Other than our name, what makes us the speediest plumbing service in the city?
Fully Computerized, Paperless Office:
Five years ago we computerized our entire business operation. At a cost of over $250,000, we developed a sophisticated custom field service management system, fully computerizing our office and letting us go completely paperless.We now handle our entire business operation using this incredible field service management system.
From the initial work order, dispatching and scheduling, all the way through to billing and invoicing, everything is handled through the computer. This means we are efficient and we are fast – faster than any other plumbing company in town.
All our service technicians are equipped with Samsung Note smartphones: they can access our work orders, scheduling and the appointment calendar direct from the office computer. When a technician has completed a job, he goes online and finds out where his next assignment is. Our entire service team can now share and update all data in real time around the clock. Our field service management system is housed on computers in our office, and is not based in “the cloud”.
GPS-Enabled Service Vans: all our vans are equipped with the latest GPS devices. That means they can find your address in a hurry and can get there without getting lost or wasting time stuck in traffic.
Electronic Invoicing: When your plumber has completed his work, he hands you his smartphone and pulls out the stylus. You then sign for the work directly on the smartphone and your invoice is sent straight to your email inbox. No waiting for the plumber to fill out forms in triplicate, or waiting to get your invoice in the mail. Of course, if you need a hard copy of any paperwork for your records, we will happily mail you one or send it to you by Fax. And our smartphones are all equipped with devices that allow the technician to swipe a credit card and process payments immediately.
Second GPS Device Locates Our Vans In The Field:
In addition to the GPS devices our plumbers use to find you easily, we have installed a second GPS device on each of our vans. Our dispatchers and field supervisors can look on a map and easily pinpoint exactly where each of our plumbing service vans is at any given time. We can even tell if they are moving or stuck in traffic, and we can tell if they have their engine running or not!
So when our dispatchers get an incoming call from you, they look on the map and see which of our plumbing technicians is closest to you. They then text that plumbing tech, who then goes online and finds out where he has to go. This minimizes drive time, giving us the fastest dispatch times in the business. The system also enables us to advise our customers exactly when the technician will be arriving at your door, so you don’t have to waste time waiting for him.
Fully-Stocked Service Vans:
There’s nothing worse than having a plumber come to your home, determine that you need a new water heater or even a simple faucet, and then you have to wait a day or longer while the plumber goes back to our warehouse to retrieve the part – or goes to a plumbing supply house to buy the part.
We are a well-capitalized company, and we make a huge investment in equipment and parts, so all our plumbers carry a huge selection of appliances, parts and equipment in their vans. This means no waiting, and your needed replacement part or appliance can be installed on the plumber’s first trip to see you. And we track the movement of all our inventory on our field service management system, so we always know what we have in stock and when we need to order more parts.
Smartphones Help Our Plumbers Diagnose Problems:
Sometimes, more than one technician is needed to accurately diagnose your issue, and there is often more than one way to resolve any plumbing problem. Again, our plumber will use the smartphone to shoot video of the situation at hand, then video-conference with a senior, more experienced master plumber – who might be in our office or at another location on another assignment.
The plumbers will then examine the issue together, and discuss the best solution to the problem. Sometimes the boss joins in the video-conference, providing his expertise since he can have a direct view of the problem over the smartphone. After your issue has been resolved, the plumbing technician, again using the smartphone, takes pictures of the resolved situation and posts it to our office system for our archive of solutions. This must be the most efficient and cost-effective method of resolving plumbing issues in existence.
We have 5 Star Reviews on Yelp!
We are the only plumbing company located in downtown LA, with a Physical Address!